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Team Zulika

3 Tips for Downsizing and Decluttering

When you begin the process of decluttering and downsizing, you should constantly remind yourself of the freedom this will actually bring you. You won’t have an excess in physical things weighing you down or taking up valuable space – both in your home and mentally in your mind.Don’t focus on what you’re losing. Look at what you’re gaining. Downsizing can equal a lower home loan payment or rent per month, freeing up your budget for things like traveling and other experiences.

2. Focus on your needs, not wants

 Image2This is a tough one but when deciding to downsize, you need to focus on the things that are absolutely essential. Follow the one year rule. If you haven’t used something in over a year, chances are you’re not going to use it this year either. Begin by sorting your items by category, not location. Go through clothing, appliances, shoes, books and then focus on sentimental items last.

2. Does it make you happy?

 photo of woman looking at the mirror 774866If an item doesn’t bring you joy, you shouldn’t hold on to it. Focus on the easy items to get rid of first and then work your way up to the items you’ve been hoarding. While our possessions can act as an extension of ourselves, sometimes we hold on to items we haven’t used in years leading to clutter.

3. Utilise creative yet effective storage options

 Image4Challenge your creativity with different storage configurations in order to maximize your living space. Think hide-away bins underneath your bed (if it’s too low, considering buying risers!), storage benches in entryways, closet shelves, and shoe racks, and storage ottomans.Zulika van Heerden 


Zulika van Heerden @ Langebaan Realtors – Estate Agents in Langebaan. Jan Warmerdam Centre Shop 2, Corner Main &, Bree St, Langebaan, 7357

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