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12 Reasons Why You Should Move to Langebaan

Thinking of moving to Langebaan?  Here are 12 reasons why you should definitely consider it! If you or someone you know are thinking about buying property in Langebaan anytime soon make sure you read this article first!

You’d like to know what you’re getting yourself into, right? Is moving to Langebaan really for you?

I’ll do my best to tone down my pro-Langebaan bias and just keep to the facts. We are so fortunate to live in a beautiful town such as Langebaan, with so much to do and so many friendly people.  You’re always within a walking distance to the beach, the lagoon is right there, a beautiful golf course, and children still ride their bicycles in the road.

If you’re still unsure about buying buying property in Langebaan, you’re in the right place. I did my best to limit this article to the top 12 reasons why you’ll love moving to Langebaan. I have been living on the West Coast for 10+ years, and I’m not planning on going anywhere. Langebaan just keeps getting better and better.

Semi-Boring Facts about Langebaan:

  • Population (2011 Census): 8,297
  • Population (2015 Saldanha Bay Municipality): 14,442
  • Population (2020 Projected Population): 22,312
  • The unemployment rate in Langebaan: 4%
  • Median Home Price (Langebaan): 2m (Q1 2017)
  • Commute Time to Cape Town (at 120km/h): 90 minutes

1. Langebaan has Spectacular Views!



Those of us that live and work in Langebaan has taken the natural beauty of the West Coast for granted. It’s so easy to get lost in the beauty of it all. I still get up every morning and sit outside for a few minutes to take in the smells and the sounds of the ocean. In those moments the soothing sounds of waves crashing blocks out the rest of the world. There is no better way to calm your heart than listening to relaxing ocean waves.

And when the day turns softly to evening one of the things my husband and I enjoy most is to sit by the beach and watch the moon lighting up the ocean’s surface. Words do not do it justice…it is something you have to experience yourself. Move to Langebaan, and you can experience it too!

A lot of properties for sale in Langebaan offer excellent views of the lagoon’s turquoise waters a view that people from all over the world travel to see. If you like water sports, you’ll have easy access to the lagoon. This is one reason why homes on the lagoon side of Langebaan (Myburgh Park, Calypso Beach, Mykonos and some of Blue Lagoon) are more sought-after and valuable.

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Drive just 10 km and to the West Coast National Park which provides an authentic outdoor experience for hikers, bikers, birders, and plant-lovers. When you combine our relaxing and outdoor lifestyle with the surrounding natural beauty, you’ll quickly discover a major reason why so many people are moving to Langebaan.

From the early morning sunrises so vibrant and magnificent that you start your day with a peaceful heart, to the late afternoon so amazing that people cannot help to post it on their Instagram or Facebook page. Whenever someone post and extra special sunset in Langebaan your news feed will be plastered with all these stunning pictures. I mean at times it’s crazy (especially during Dec/Jan), but also proof of the natural beauty we take for granted here in Langebaan.

So YOU should seriously consider moving to Langebaan. That’s where all the cool people (young and old) are moving to.

2. Langebaan is Very Friendly

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When most of the people you run into every day are warm, friendly and happy, we call that “a sign.” If Langebaan were a crappy place to live, would everyone be so laid back and friendly all the time? It’s amusing to listen to people who have moved here from Cape Town or Joburg talk about how “strange” we are in Langebaan.

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Some people actually think it’s weird to wave at strangers on the street. I remember when I first came to the West Coast I found it odd that people wave at me as they drove by my house. I thought “there must be something in the water here” to make people so happy. Originally being from Cape Town, I was used to people being so busy, caught up in their own little world where they only looked out for themselves. In Langebaan, it’s unusual when the person in front of you does not hold the door open for you.

3. Langebaan’s Traffic is “pretty low”

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Langebaan’s traffic compared to Johannesburg, Pretoria or Cape Town is pretty low. If you ask some of the older Langebaan residents (who has lived in Langebaan their whole life and didn’t travel much), they’ll say it sucks especially during the holiday season.

However, they lack perspective! Sure when we have a lot of holidaymakers in town it’s not perfect, but outside school holidays it’s relatively mild. I often go to the city for business and I can tell you traveling on the N1 to Cape Town during rush hour is HORRIBLE!

When you think about how bad traffic is in most parts of the country, we have it pretty darn good here in Langebaan. It takes me just one trip to Johannesburg to develop a serious appreciation for how good we have it in Langebaan.

4. Living in Langebaan is very affordable

Houses for Sale in Langebaan
Stunning house in Langebaan Country Club for under R2m

Houses for sale in Langebaan are among the most affordable in Cape Town. It is still possible to buy a 2 bedroom freehold property in Langebaan for under R1.2m, and a 3-4 bedroom house can go for under R2m.

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Whether you are looking for property in a security estate such as Calypso Beach, Blue Lagoon, Paradise Beach, or in a suburb of Langebaan such as Myburgh Park, Country Club or Middedorp (Midtown)…you’ll quickly discover that homes are priced very reasonably for the quality lifestyle that Langebaan offers. Getting an opportunity to live close to the beach is just an added bonus!

5. We have Killer Restaurants in Langebaan

When we came to Langebaan during holidays, I cannot remember there being so many top restaurants in Langebaan. It feels like, over the last 7 years, an entire slew of great restaurants have opened up in and around Langebaan. From great seafood restaurants, steakhouses, local pizza joints to formal sit-down restaurants, you will find exactly what your taste buds want any time of the day.

You’ll need to eat some relatively large meals with all the skiing and kiteboarding you’ll be doing! Our lagoon with all its water sports has a knack for helping people build up a good appetite.

Restaurants in Langebaan and surrounding areas have been on magazine programs such as Pasella. So we do have killer restaurants in the area. I’ll spare you from a giant list of all our great restaurants in Langebaan, but here are 10 of my personal favourites that are so popular among locals that it would be a crime not to mention them.

Boesmanland Plaaskombuis – Hobie Beach, behind Club Mykonos Casino, Mykonos Access Rd,

CTFM Langebaan – Club Mykonos Langebaan

Dockside Cafe – Club Mykonos Langebaan

Kapstadt Brauhaus – Club Mykonos Langebaan

Marc’s Beach Bar – Hobie Beach, behind Club Mykonos Casino, Mykonos Access Rd,

The Black Pearl Restaurant – Club Mykonos Langebaan

White Sands Restaurant – Hobie Beach, behind Club Mykonos Casino, Mykonos Access Rd,

Pearly’s on the Beach  – 46 Beach Road, Langebaan

Horizon Restaurant – Langebaan Country Estate, 1 Oostewal Rd, Langebaan

Friday Island – Hoofstraat Langebaan (Next to Cape Windsurf Centre)

Thali Thali Game Lodge  – Zoutekuilen Farm, R27, Langebaan

Breeze Restaurant   9 Bree St, Langebaan

That’s only scratching the surface, so if you want more recommendations for restaurants in and around Langebaan, just ask! After living on the West Coast for so many years, I have built up quite a list of favourites. I better stop talking about all these ‘lekker’ restaurants I’m hungry just thinking about them.

6. Langebaan’s nightlife is booming!

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Every time the sun goes down on Langebaan, restaurants, bars, and clubs keep things fun with a number of entertainment options. 20 years ago, there wasn’t really any Langebaan nightlife to talk about. Nothing worth mentioning, anyway.

But now…you have the Mykonos casino where you can spend hours on entertainment. Maybe you want to listen to some live music at one of the local restaurants. There’s always something going on in Langebaan…always.

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Any person who has been living in Langebaan for more than 5 years will tell you that Langebaan has grown up and that Langebaan’s nightlife has indeed improved. It’s an entirely new town! The center of Langebaan continues to grow with new local bars, cafes, and excellent restaurants.

For those who like dancing Flamingos, nightclub offers a variety of music, where laser lights illuminate the dance floor. Drinks are not that expensive, and they also have pool tables.

Of course, Club Mykonos in Langebaan is a great place to hang out, eat a wonderful dinner, and enjoy all that the resort has to offer. The summer months are when Langebaan nightlife is at its best. For example annual events such as the highly anticipated Mykonos festival featuring various well known South African artists.

The festival grounds usually have a selection of craft and food stalls and a kid’s zone to enjoy.

7. Langebaan’s Weather is Awesome!

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As someone who has been on the West Coast for 10+ years, I can say that Langebaans weather is great, and it never gets too hot or too cold. Langebaan normally gets approximately 278 mm of rain annually and since it receives the bulk of its rainfall during winter it is considered a Mediterranean climate. Langebaan has a mild climate with an average daily between 18.5°C and 30°C. February is the hottest month of the year where July is the coldest month.


So if you’re looking for 30+ degrees year-round, moving to Langebaan may not be the best idea. You’ll be happier in Kimberley or Upington, although I don’t know why anyone would want to live in extreme heat. However, if you want to experience moderate weather surrounded by beautiful scenery and the turquoise lagoon, then moving to Langebaan is definitely something to consider.

8. Langebaan’s Crime is Low

If you want a safe place to raise your family, then moving to Langebaan is a smart move. Langebaan is known for being a coastal resort town, always within walking distance to the lagoon, as well as having friendly, hospitable people making it a fantastic holiday destination for tourists and a great place to call home.

For the vast majority of suburbs in Langebaan, crime is relatively low and generally of petty nature rather than violent. One of the main reasons I moved to the West Coast was because I became disillusioned with living in the city. Reading about crime every day, being stuck in traffic wherever I go, and a general feeling of overwhelming made me seek out a more relaxed lifestyle.

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Today I’m not as stressed out as I used to be and I can honestly say that overall I feel very safe here. The other day I was talking to a couple who was visiting from the south coast, and she told that they wanted to move because she doesn’t feel safe in her house anymore. It’s really sad to hear stories like that; fortunately, crime in our area compared to the rest of the country is pretty low and rare.

If you’re moving to the West Coast and want to know about specific areas that are safer than others, please do not hesitate to ask. I’d be more than happy to share my intimate local knowledge of Langebaan and its surrounding towns with you.

9. Schools in Langebaan

Curro School Langebaan

If you’re contemplating moving to Langebaan, you’ll obviously want to think about the schools in Langebaan your children, or future children will be going to.

Langebaan has 3 private schools, some of which are recognized nationally for their good grades. One of the best-known schools on the West Coast is Curro which is situated close to the Laguna Mall in Langebaan. It is also within walking distance from neighbourhoods such as Mykonos, Calypso Beach, Blue Lagoon and Paradise Beach.

Schools in Langebaan:

– Curro Langebaan
– Long Acres Private School.
-Seeskulpie Primary School.
– Langebaan Primary School
– Topolino Primary School

10. Langebaan Is Close To The West Coast National Park


Where do I even begin? The West Coast National Park is a pristine nature reserve just around the corner of Langebaan.

Even after going to the park so many times, I am still in awe of the natural beauty of the West Coast with its amazing animal life. See whales playing in the Atlantic, waves rocking high and experience the tranquillity of watching all sorts of bird species. View wildlife such as bontebok, steenbok, kudu, duiker, gemsbok, mountain zebra, caracal, bat-eared fox, and Cape gray mongoose.

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We are so blessed in Langebaan because it really only takes around 10-15 minutes maximum to drive into the park which surrounds the Langebaan lagoon. By the way, the lagoon is only of three lagoons which are a purely saltwater lagoon (ie no river runs into it) During spring months the veld transforms into a kaleidoscope of colours including a lovely display of white, yellow, pink, purple and orange flowers.

If you’re a nature lover and enjoy picnicking, hiking, birding, canoeing, surfing, kite surfing, stand up paddling, yachting, fishing, game watching, whale watching,  mountain biking, and other outdoor activities you need to seriously consider moving to Langebaan. You really have no idea what you’re missing! Just those living in Langebaan are able to take advantage of these wonderful perks.

11. Langebaan is Easy to Travel To/From

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Langebaan is now moving away from being a retirement and holiday area and becoming a place where young professionals are raising their families. An ever-increasing number of city dwellers are moving to Langebaan with the intention of commuting to Cape Town on a daily, weekly or ad hoc basis.

One of the reasons they love buying here is because Langebaan is just over an hour’s drive from Cape Town.

Other buyers, we get from places such as Gauteng and North West who have purchased homes for future retirement purposes also like the fact that Langebaan is centrally located and close to big city amenities.

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But Langebaan is moving away from being purely a retirement and holiday destination and becoming a place where business professionals are raising their families. It’s now a popular commuter town for those working in other areas of the country.

One of the key factors (in addition to the low crime rate and slow pace of life) why people buy property in Langebaan is because of its ease of access to Cape Town International airport.

Oh, before I forget we also have a small airport in Saldanha called the Saldanha Bay Airport (also known as Vredenburg airport). This airport is just 14 minutes from Langebaan. There aren’t any scheduled flights available; however, private charter jets offer flights between Saldanha and other cities.

12. Langebaan Golf

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If you love playing golf, moving to Langebaan may be a very smart move! The guys in the office say that this 18-hole Gary Player Designed Black Knight golf course is truly a secret golf “paradise” if you will.

According to these “experts”, the golf course has well-placed bunkers which would test the skill from beginner to more advanced players. The course has lovely natural rock formations as well as a large water fountain that splits the fairways.

It has spectacular views of Langebaan Lagoon, and the natural beauty of the indigenous wildflowers, the abundance of animal and birdlife adds a unique flavour to your golfing experience.

After a long round of golf, you can relax in comfort at the clubhouse, have a snack while soaking in the splendour of the view over Langebaan lagoon. Have a drink or two while watching all the golfing events as well as other popular sports such as Cricket, Rugby, Formula 1, Moto GP and soccer.

So, golf is a fantastic reason to relocate to Langebaan.



Zulika van Heerden @ Langebaan Realtors – Estate Agents in Langebaan. Jan Warmerdam Centre Shop 2, Corner Main &, Bree St, Langebaan, 7357

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